Program Director Kris Riley

Kris Riley headshot

Kris Riley
Program Director

How did you get involved with Camp One Step?

My son is a childhood cancer survivor and former Camp One Step camper.

How long have you been involved with our organization?

I started volunteering for Camp One Step in 2000.

What volunteer roles have you held?

I have volunteered as a counselor, program leader, medical staff, and was involved in the Milwaukee Board when it was up and running. I have participated in the Utah Ski Program, Washington, D.C. Program, Brain Tumor Family Camp, Summer Camp, Seabees Leadership Program, Family Camp, Dude Ranch Program, Springfield Advocacy Program, and Winter Camp.

What keeps you coming back to Camp One Step?

I love the kids. Just being able to help them be kids again warms my heart. I feel it is important to give back because when my son was sick, there were volunteers at camp who gave him back his childhood.

What do you love the most about the program you lead?

I love seeing the families spending time together making memories. It is so rewarding seeing the parents make connections with other parents who understand the journey they are on and because of this, they are not feeling so alone anymore.

What are some words of wisdom or advice that you would give campers?

Don’t be afraid to try new programs, you will have a great time. You might find you have a love for something you never imagined.

What are some words of wisdom or advice that you would give new or interested volunteers?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Friends might tell you that a cancer camp for children must be so sad. It is anything but…. they are kids like any other kids and they know how to have fun!!

What are some of your interests outside of camp?

My husband and I enjoy spending time at our camper in Door County, WI, and also spending time with my granddaughters.